Breast Reduction Cost

If you are unhappy with the large shape or weight of your breasts, you may be considering breast reduction surgery.

Breast reduction is a popular choice for women who want to balance their body shape, or are looking for a way to help ease backache, neck pain or posture.

The cosmetic procedure can help in other ways too, transforming self-confidence and helping improve the mental health of many women who have been suffering, often in silence, for years.

How much does breast reduction cost?

There are two different types of breast reduction procedures: surgical and non-surgical.

A non-surgical operation with Dr Gupta generally costs between £4500 – £5000

While the NHS website reports that in the UK, surgical breast reduction surgery costs around £6,500, plus the cost of any consultations or follow-up care that may not be included in the price.

There are a number of factors that determine the cost of a procedure, the most important being the amount of time and effort required on the surgeon’s part.

When agreeing on a cost for your procedure, Dr Gupta will consider the size of the patient, the size of the area being treated, and the anticipated degree of difficulty of the particular procedure.

Dr Gupta only works with clients who he feels will benefit from a breast reduction by liposuction procedure. No client is the same and it is only after the consultation that Dr Gupta can gauge suitability and then suggest a cost for the procedure.

The cost of breast reduction surgery an important factor when considering a procedure but by no means the most important factor.

How does breast reduction surgery work?

Dr Gupta is a specialist in tumescent liposuction, a minimally invasive technique, considered the fastest and safest method of lipo available today. Dr Gupta is one of the few European specialists taught by the acclaimed Beverly Hills surgeon Dr Jeffrey Klein, the creator of the technique.

Tumescent lipo can both reduce the size of your breasts and achieve a significant breast lift. The procedure can be done with local anaesthesia and microcannulas, ensuring minimal postoperative pain and a rapid recovery and return to normal activities.

The volume of each breast is measured through water displacement lined are drawn on your breasts using indelible ink. Dr. Gupta uses a tiny needle to inject a small amount of local anaesthetic into the skin, and liposuction of the breast is carried out using microcannulas.

These minimally invasive needles range in diameter from 0.9 mm to 1.8 mm. Once the liposuction is completed, super-absorbent pads are applied to the breasts, where they absorb the tumescent fluid that drains from the adits.

Liposuction can reduce the female breast by more than half, producing lift by removing weight. The process also allows the natural elastic properties of the female breasts to contract and create elevation.

Your breasts won’t change shape but will be smaller and somewhat lifted.

When can I go home after breast reduction?

Unlike the surgical breast reduction surgery that is carried out under general anaesthesia, the tumescent technique will have you in and out the same day, in a matter of hours.

Dr Gupta will discuss an after-care programme with you, which is specially tailored to each candidate. After breast liposuction, you’ll experience a gradual decrease in swelling over a period of about 4 – 6weeks. You’ll experience very little bruising thanks to the use of open-drainage and proper compression garments.

Breast lumps may in small cases be detected after liposuction, but this is temporary and will fade a within a few weeks. You may be able to find these lumps with your fingers but they won’t be visible, and they are part of the normal healing process.

You will be mobile from day one, and what delights most patients is the results of a breast reduction improve over time, as boobs become softer and more natural as the healing continues.

Will breast reduction leave a scar?

The tumescent technique is so light-touch most patients bear no visible surgical scars after breast reduction, as the microcannulas are so small. Within four-to-six weeks, almost all signs are gone.

Surgical breast reduction procedures, however, may leave scar marks.

What makes a good candidate for breast reduction?

In general, women whose breasts contain a large proportion of fat are likely to be the most successfully transformed. Non-surgical breast reduction is only suitable for women who have gone through menopause.

Interested in finding out more?

If the size and shape of your breasts are making you unhappy, contact the clinic today for a confidential consultation, there is no obligation and Dr Gupta will tell you if you’re suitable for the procedure.

There are no hidden charges, and your safety and happiness is the main priority.

Dr Gupta has performed thousands of breast reduction procedures, have a look at our ‘before and after’ picture archive to check out the amazing results.

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction Through Microlipo

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