Moobs: how to lose them

While the phrase “man boobs” or “moobs” may be funny to some or used in a jokey manner, it is no laughing matter to the millions of British men who suffer this embarrassing problem.

Known medically as gynecomastia, man boobs affect about one in every five males, and can affect anyone from newborns, adolescents, and elderly men. A much higher percentage of men report suffering the condition between the ages of 50 to 69.

Whatever the age of the male, it is extremely common, often taboo for men to talk about medically, and can have a devastating impact on lives.

Gynecomastia causes low self-esteem, shame, and fear of exposing the chest area in social situations for men.

It’s no surprise that liposuction to fix gynecomastia is one of the most popular surgeries performed by award-winning Dr Gupta.

There are millions of articles online about moobs and their impact on men, and just as many inaccuracies about the condition; so we have put together a short post using our expert knowledge to bring you the truth about man boobs and how we can help get rid of them.

The numbers of men suffering are down to the various ways in which gynecomastia can occur. Some of the most common triggers are hormonal imbalance; medication side-effects; alcohol and recreational drugs such as cannabis or steroids; hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney failure.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is breast enlargement in men caused by excessive growth of breast tissue behind and around the areola (nipple).

What causes it?

How this breast tissue growth occurs is complex, as it begins with an abnormal level of the female hormone estrogen in the male body.

This can be carried over estrogen from puberty; a pre-existing medical condition, as a side-effect of medications or recreational drug use.

A sedentary lifestyle can also cause moobs to appear. Men who do little exercise other than bending their arms to drink beer, are effectively filling their bodies with a substance that will transform into a female hormone and develop fatty breast tissue.

What happens?

The high abnormal level of estrogen tells the male body to reduce the hormone testosterone, and also makes the body retain more fat in the chest and in the abdomen. Chest fat then secrets an enzyme called aromatase that converts testosterone to estrogen. This means the chest fat becomes a secondary gland that produces estrogen.

These factors combined result in low testosterone production and increased estrogen production, which signals the body to develop feminine features, the most visible of is breast tissue growth; gynecomastia.

How to get rid of moobs

There are a number of routes to go down in the fight to lose man boobs. For many men, cutting down on beer and exercising will be enough.

For the less fortunate who suffer from the genuine medical condition, eating healthy and upping the exercise sadly will not help get rid of them entirely, although we would always promote this lifestyle to help.

If moobs are making your life a misery, causing you to stop living your life to the full, Dr Gupta can help.

Our male chest reduction procedure is quick and easy, and a surefire way of helping you regain your lost confidence. Dr Gupta treats each patient case-by-case, and can answer any questions or fears you may have about the process and the surgery.

Contact us today for a consultation.

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